Saturday, May 1, 2010

Abah Shopping Spree...

Best nye hari ni...i wake up a bit late..rase nikmat btol dapat bangun lambat ...hehe...since the day i am someone's fiancĂ© ...i am so busy preparing for the wedding ...bile tibe hari minggu je sure ade byk appointment ...which i have to start my day as early as 5 la, canopy la , besides accompany my parents to the market ....penat rase badan ni ...but not today ..sesuai dengan hari buruh hari ni ...memang leisure ..

However, today hari ni kami satu family teman abah shopping kat Sogo . He wants to buy baju-baju untuk pergi China nanti. I notice his taste dah berubah skit. Everytime nak pilih he will ask me instead of my mother. Hehe.Pelik jugak. Lebih berjiwa muda.Haha. Kalo tidak ape je Mama pilih he will take it tanpa banyak question. 

Habis shopping , abah belanja kami makan kat Manhattan Fish. Abah kate zakat sempena dapat bonus. This is our very first time having family luncheon there. It was suggested by my mom since alang pernah bawa dia makan kat situ. Tapi saye makan sikit je sebab it's too cheesy.

By the way , it's Alia's birthday today ..Heppi Birthday dear !! Cepat-cepat la kahwin ..hehee

The Opening ...


at last ...
after so many attemps ..
my wish to have my very own blog ...
to share with the world...
about things I love and passion ...
about things I saw , heard and learn ...
through my life ....
come true.....

So sit back and relax ...enjoy your jouney peeps !!