Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Water and Human Body ..

I received something worth to keep in my journal from Alia yesterday ...

It says ...

Correct timing to drink water, will maximize its effectiveness on the Human body...

Two (02) glass of water - After waking up -  Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glasses of water  - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep  - To avoid stroke or heart attack

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Alang !!


Happy Birthday Alang !! She's 25 now..heh....silver age...

I know ..i know..it's a bit late to do this entry coz it's 6th July already ...
tapi yang penting i record the memory in this blog right ... =)

So sempena meraikan ulang tahun Alang yang ke 25, abah bawa kami makan di Saloma Bistro for the very first time. In my family, bila masuk waktu mahgrib je it's consider the next day already. Alang's birthday fall on Thursday but we celebrate on Wednesday night. So lepas maghrib kami menuju ke Saloma Bistro yang terletak di Jalan Ampang.Yes ..we are so excited!! Dengar-dengar ada surprise untuk Alang ...apa dia ye ??

Once we arrived, macam biasa we all disambut mesra by the waiter and they showed us our table. Kami dapat meja depan stage. Wahh..sangat seronok ni. Abah kate ade performance jam 8.30 nanti. Meja tu sangat besar ..boleh muat dalam 10 orang but it's dedicated to 6 of us only ..hehe..

okay ...i macam biasa sampai-sampai tengok surrounds dulu ...let my mom and my sisters carik their food first..lagi pun Angah kat sebelah non-stop telling me gossips ..haha...lepas habis gossips then baru i dengan Angah carik makanan ape nak disambar dulu ...so we make one first round visiting all the food booth kat situ ..macam-macam ade ...from jelly, cakes, rice, ayam, daging, salads, satay, kuih-muih and macam - macam lagi ..tapi i ate banana first and also yee mee with kuah ayam ...i pun tak ingat ape name die la ...hehe..cume satu je i pelik ..they all didn't provide cold or hot drinks ..we only being given a plain water...then abah cakap u can order if you want other drinks but please make sure it's less than RM10..hehe...so kami pun pilih ..but of course Alang got special one ...could not remember ape name die jugak...haihh..pelupa nye saye nih...cume yang I ingat she could bring home the mug they use to fill the drink ...it's something like punch macam tu....

Sharp 8.30 ..the shows started...it's a cultural dance show...something like zapin, ngajat, samrah, joget, indian dance, chinese dance...all kind of dance that Malaysian had...sebab tempat macam tu mostly foreigners jer yang datang ..i think that night we are the only local there...macam cultural shows yang lain ..they all akan perform and the host will explain a lil bit about the dance...and they also had one session where they called up any guest who would like to dance with them...nope ..we did not join them dance...even though they've been asking us to do so...masing-masing segan ....dalam ramai-ramai foreigners yang join the dancers..there is one couple ..i think they are from France kut ..sangat romantic...dah la pakai baju warna sedondon ...and that guy always doing funny act to the girl which makes her laugh ..haihhh...sweetnyerr

lepas sesi tari-menari tu ...SURPRISE!!

The host make an announcement ...today is Alang's birthday and he called her to be on stage...and request everybody to sing Happy Birthday for her ...hehehe...sangat teruja okay ...then while everybody singing the birthday song ...one of the waiter came up to the stage bringing a birthday cake ...lepas selesai tiup lilin ...she came down with a big smile ...berbunga-bunga hati kak Lang...

The show end up with a photo session with dancers ...kami pun tak ketinggalan okay ..haha..

Itu kisah Saloma Bistro ... kisah celebrate birthday Alang tak berakhir di situ ...weekend tu we already make a plan to go for picnic ...and guess what ...for the very first time also we make a trip to Kemensah Waterfall di Ulu Klang.

Sumer la for the very first time kan ...hehe..tapi memang betul and that's my motif having this blog ..to keep note every experience i had in my life ....

And this is also our very first time plan a picnic among cousins only ..no parents involved..haha..mentang-mentang la masing-masing dah ada kereta kan ...so bertemankan pengetahuan yang hanya tahu Kemensah tu kat sebelah Zoo Negara..kami pun redah je la kan ...tapi Alhamdulillah sampai ...itu pun nasib baik member Kak Noli datang join and die pernah gi Kemensah ...so he lead us...

Pagi-pagi lagi Kak Noli and Alang dah bangun to prepare spagetti ...yes ..we gonna have spagetti mase picnic.. I and Angah prepare the cocktail ...bersemangatkan ...kami bertolak petang ...lepas Zohor sebab Yana habis keje pagi and she needs to sleep first ...since dah petang ..tempat pun penuh ...so we just pick any hut that is available ...baru i tau that sume pondok tu kalo nak duduk kene baya ..it's not free okay ...i ingatkan bile gi air terjun kat Indonesia jer camtu ...rupe-rupenyer kat sini pon ade juga ...dapat je tempat duduk ....sume dengan laponye makan makanan yang dibawa ...sebab ade yang tak makan dari pagi ..siann...

Mase makan Kak Noli raise her proposal for us to do a monthly funds so it is easy for us to make this kind of trip in the future...and maybe we can make a better plan next time ..i think it is a good idea ...but got suggestion to open the proposal to other relatives which might be susah skit i think ..hehe...but we'll see how it goes ..no harm to try kan ...so i'm officially being appointed as the account manager for this small club ...bile masing-masing dah kenyang ....we walk around the area ..anas je yang gi mandi ...yang lain macam tak berminat je ..lagi pun hujan renyai time tu ...tepat jam 6 we make a move ...

BESARNYA makna DOA YANG KITA LUPAKAN- semasa duduk antara dua sujud

I received an email from my colleague...and i feel touched ...tersedar bahawa diri ini is one of them ...love to share this and as a reminder to me .....let me treasure it here...

Here it goes ....

Dalam tidak sedar....
Setiap hari kita memohon didalam solat kita..tetapi sayangnya, kita hanya  memohon tanpa memahami.. sekadar tersebut dibibir, tetapi tidak tersentuh  dari hati kita selama ini.. 
Marilah kita mula menghayati ketika kita duduk di antara dua sujud semasa  solat.. 
Dengan rendah hati nyatakanlah permohonan ampun kepada Allah 

Rabbighfirli (Tuhanku, ampuni aku) 

Diamlah sejenak, 
buka dada dan diri kita untuk menerima ampunan dari Allah seperti membuka diri ketika merasakan hembusan angin sepoi-sepoi atau menerima curahan air hujan ketika kita masih kecil 
Tetaplah membuka diri kita untuk menerima ampunan Allah 
Ulangi permintaan itu beberapa kali hingga kita merasakan ketenangan 
Kemudian sampaikanlah permintaan kedua, 

Warhamni (sayangi aku) 

Diam dan tundukkanlah diri kita untuk menerima kasih-sayang Allah yang tak  terhitung besarnya 
Bukalah dada kita seluas-luasnya agar semakin banyak kasih-sayang Allah  yang kita terima 
Ulanglah beberapa kali hingga kita merasa cukup
Berturut-turut sampaikanlah  permintaan2 berikut dengan cara sebagaimana tersebut di atas, satu  persatu..  

Wajburnii (tutuplah aib-aibku) 
Warfa'nii (angkatlah darjatku) 
Warzuqnii (berilah aku rezeki) 
Wahdinii (berilah aku petunjuk) 
Wa'Aafinii (sihatkan aku) 
Wa'fuannii (maafkan aku) 

Setelah selesai, diamlah sejenak lalu sampaikan rasa syukur kita 
Betapa besarnya nilai sebuah doa ini..sebuah doa yang kita hanya lewatkan begitu sahaja.. 
Dalam tidak kita sedar selama ini kita seperti sedang berpura-pura memohon sesuatu...
Sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang dapat memberi manfaat kepada orang lain ...
- (Hadis riwayat Al-Qudhi)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Stranded and Fainted...

Two incidents yang tak dijangka happened to me for the past few days ...


Yep ..I am ...

Masih ingat pasal i punye plan mau gi JB...i did it last 2 weeks...

Okay citer dier camni ..

I went to JB with my sister Alang. Kami naik keretapi Ekspres Senandung Malam. Sangat excited pada mulanya. Mane tak nya  ..it's gonna be our very first experience travel to JB with a night train. I beli ticket coach yang ade katil. Ingatkan boleh la tido all the way to JB. Rupe-rupenye tidak. One hour before departure we were surprised by an announcement from KTM. Our train will stopped at Segamat and then we will be transit to Kluang station and from there baru straight gi JB. I think should be okay la kan . Everything has been managed by KTM officer.

Tapi..... bile sampai Segamat there's no news or instruction comes from the officer. Yang ade cume kate-kate console from makcik cleaner suruh tido. Jauh lagi nak sampai katenyer. Walhal , all passengers terpinga-pinga what's gonna be happen next. Batang hidung bas pun tak nampak. Menunggu berita dengan perasaan risau. We stucked there about 4 hours. Lepas subuh baru ada bas yang datang ambil kami. Itu pun kene ikut turn coach by coach. I only managed to get the last bus to Kluang station. Cik abang dah risau saye tak sampai lagi. Dapat je berita yang i masih di Segamat , he straight away decided to pick me up at Kluang instead of JB. I should be arrived at JB at 6.30 am but then I only get there in Kluang around 9 am. Pukul berape jer la nak sampai JB kan. Nasib baik cik abang sayang dengan segeranye amek kami di Kluang. Thanks darl!!

So disebabkan our trip being delayed for few hours, we only start our mission bridal butik hunting about 2 pm. Nasib baik cik abang dah awal-awal buat homework pasal butik-butik yang perlu kami jenguk. And dah prepare siap-siap what kind of theme and colors that we want for the wedding. Alhamdulillah tak banyak hal, bila kami masuk butik D'Pesona Bridal everything settled. 1 butik only okay.Esoknye, kami carik kain for his family to wear for both majlis and also pengapit. Cik abang bawak saye jalan-jalan gi Permas Jaya, Hutan Bandar, Plaza Angsana, and last but it is a must once you in JB is Danga Bay. Makan-makan and amek gamba. Sangat best!! On Saturday, we all naik bas balik KL. No more train please...trauma sekejap..hehee..

Ape kisahnye dengan fainted plak kan ??

Yang ini kisah hari Isnin. I pengsan on the way nak pergi lunch. Mase tu tengah tunggu my friend pergi toilet. Nasib baik i'm not alone. Sedar-sedar je dengar name kene panggil. Mate berpinar-pinar. Badan dah sejuk. Nasib baik lagi one of my opismate lelaki lalu, and dia la yang duk papah I gi klinik. Nasib baik klinik sangat dekat dengan tempat kejadian.. heh..I dont know why I pengsan. Yang I tahu the doctor told me my heartbeat sangat slow ...58. That's y die tak leh pump darah sampai ke otak and makes me collapse. My opismate sume risau. Ye la ..pagi tu I okay je. Takde rase ape-ape pun. Tup tup ..pengsan. I dengar cerita from my opismate..once my boss tau pasal I pengsan, die terus bergegas turun gi klinik carik I. Sangat terharu. Now berita dah kecoh pasal I pengsan kat opis.

Lepas pengsan tu ..badan memang sangat tak larat. So i called my dad to pick me up. I nak balik and nak makan. That's the only thing in my head. Dapat MC from doctor terus balik rumah. My mom beritahu my sis, Ateh. She's doing medicine in Hasanudin University. She said i had low-blood pressure. She asked me to take sweets with me and makan so my body would have glucose. Have a bedrest too. Untung betul dapat adik yang belaja medic ni. Senang ..boleh advise me instead of meeting doctor.

I slept all the way sampai rumah. My mum masak sup sayur dgn ikan goreng yang sangat sedap. Then I rehat. Actually, dalam perjalanan balik tu ..my dad received call from my boss and my opismate Linie to tell him about me. Terharu lagi with their concerns. The next day pun I received call from my friend Suhana asking me how am I.

Feel lucky and bersyukur...

Next ....cerita Saloma Bistro and Picnic di Kemensah !! =)